Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – Is Price Gouging Really Wrong? (VIDEO)

Jacking up prices on essential supplies in times of crisis is awfully greedy. Why should those who pay the most get the goods? Price gouging must be banned. Dead Wrong®.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – Are Sudden Deaths Rare? (VIDEO)

A tragedy is all we can think about when it strikes. And when that tragedy is unexpected, it makes it even worse. Shouldn’t we be worrying more about a sudden tragedy that could lead to our death? But think about this. What if we could only die from unexpected disasters and accidents? Surely that would be a miserable world with people constantly looking over their shoulders, never leaving their house. Age expectancy would most likely drop significantly, right? Well, the data is more interesting than you’d think. Johan Norberg explains the statistics behind these seemingly frequent tragedies.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – Are China’s Fertility Limits Right? (VIDEO)

China’s one-child policy averted millions of births, gave China an amazing demographic dividend, and reduced pressure on the environment. Ending it, in 2015, was “gibbering insanity,” as environmentalist Paul Ehrlich put it. Dead Wrong®.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – The End of History as We Know It? (VIDEO)

In 1989, Francis Fukuyama said that liberal capitalist democracy was the end of history. But no, events keep happening, some of them very bad. Fukuyama was mistaken. Dead Wrong®.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – The Coronavirus and Globalization (VIDEO)

International trade and airline deregulation. It will be nice, they said. But do you know who else found it nice? The Coronavirus. Globalization now threatens our very lives. Dead Wrong®.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – The Myth of Nationality Stereotypes (VIDEO)

Stereotypes can be dangerous, especially when they are used to generalize a large group of people. But there must be something to stereotypes, right? National stereotypes have been around for so long that it makes sense for people to believe them. But the real problem is in using them to compare two nationalities. Often people believe that it’s a way to gain insight into different groups of people when all it does is create a false sense of understanding. Johan Norberg explains that these stereotypes are not what they seem.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – How to Create Monopolies (VIDEO)

The laissez-faire idea of perfect competition is a pipe dream. Instead, we see more concentration, more monopolies, and we need more regulation to stop it. Dead Wrong®. More barriers to entry only scare new companies away and actually prevent competition. Free To Choose® Media Executive Editor and Cato Institute Senior Fellow Johan Norberg explains why.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – Is There a Mental Illness Epidemic? (VIDEO)

Mental illness is no joke, and today it seems like it’s only getting worse. But why is that the case? Do we live with more stress than we used to? Is the connectivity of the world starting to weigh more heavily on us than it did in the past? With the numbers of mental illnesses increasing so much, there must be something going on in the world today that’s causing it all. But that’s all Dead Wrong®. The truth isn’t what it appears to be on the surface.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – Are We Stuck in Bubbles? (VIDEO)

No one listens to anyone else online. We are stuck in our internet bubbles, where we only hear things that reinforce our old beliefs. Well, that might be the consensus among your friends, bubble boy. But that whole idea…is Dead Wrong®. See why logging on throws that logic way off with Free To Choose® Media Executive Editor and Cato Institute Senior Fellow Johan Norberg.
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Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – Organic Farming to Save the Planet? (VIDEO)

One of the most pressing debates of our time is about how we can reduce our emissions and save the planet. One popular argument for reducing greenhouse gases is to farm organically. The emergence of GMOs has been contested by many, and organic foods have become more and more popular as a result. And using pesticides and fertilizers have a real effect on the environment. But the question of efficiency comes into play.

What would happen if we went all organic? Can we produce the same amount of food on the same amount of land without modern agricultural techniques? Are the unintended consequences worth the benefit of making the change to organic? More importantly, would it truly save the planet?

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