40 years ago, the U.S was in an economic recession, an Asian country was beginning to dominate world manufacturing, and the era of big government and socialism surely looked like it would emerge as the winner through the Soviet Union.
In less than 10 years, we beat back the tide and ushered in a new era of freedom and prosperity based on good old U.S. capitalism. Thank you, Milton Friedman.
Today we launch a celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the original Free To Choose – a television series that literally changed the world. This program remains one of the most profound and accessible conduits to the ideas of personal and economic freedom and serves as a touchstone to anyone seeking to recreate the recipe for peace and prosperity.
Our nonprofit organization, Free To Choose® Network, was born of this series. Bob Chitester created the concept for the original project with Milton Friedman, and our team has since spent decades telling stories that emphasize these basic principles for the benefit of a free society.
Now, more than ever, we could use a great communicator to re-introduce a new generation to these ideas. Why not use the best that ever was? Milton Friedman himself. I’m inviting you to follow us online over the next 10 weeks while we release clips, animated shorts, behind the scenes stories, and some new twists that will answer the age-old question, “What would Milton Say?”
It will be all Milton and it’s our pleasure to share and celebrate his timeless ideas.
Watch, ENJOY, and please share – especially with the next generation.
Rob Chatfield
President & CEO