Celebrating Milton Friedman and Free To Choose

40 years ago, the U.S was in an economic recession, an Asian country was beginning to dominate world manufacturing, and the era of big government and socialism surely looked like it would emerge as the winner through the Soviet Union.

In less than 10 years, we beat back the tide and ushered in a new era of freedom and prosperity based on good old U.S. capitalism. Thank you, Milton Friedman.

Today we launch a celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the original Free To Choose – a television series that literally changed the world. This program remains one of the most profound and accessible conduits to the ideas of personal and economic freedom and serves as a touchstone to anyone seeking to recreate the recipe for peace and prosperity.

Our nonprofit organization, Free To Choose® Network, was born of this series. Bob Chitester created the concept for the original project with Milton Friedman, and our team has since spent decades telling stories that emphasize these basic principles for the benefit of a free society.

Now, more than ever, we could use a great communicator to re-introduce a new generation to these ideas. Why not use the best that ever was? Milton Friedman himself. I’m inviting you to follow us online over the next 10 weeks while we release clips, animated shorts, behind the scenes stories, and some new twists that will answer the age-old question, “What would Milton Say?”

It will be all Milton and it’s our pleasure to share and celebrate his timeless ideas.

Watch, ENJOY, and please share – especially with the next generation.

Rob Chatfield
President & CEO

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A More or Less Perfect Union – COMING IN 2019!

There’s never been a better time to talk about the Constitution of the United States of America. From college campuses to our borders to Washington, DC, today, our Constitution is under assault on all fronts. Many of us aren’t embracing the rights we have; free speech is endangered and, through action or inaction, challenges face all three branches of government. In Fall 2019, Free To Choose Media will release A More or Less Perfect Union to public television stations nationwide. The documentary is an extraordinary three-part series, hosted by Judge Douglas Ginsburg – a national authority on the Constitution, with 30 …

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Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by Young Americans for Liberty followed by Q/A with Johan Norberg

Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by Young Americans for Liberty followed by Q/A with Johan Norberg   It’s been suggested that Americans would be better off if the United States was more like Sweden. Do the Swedes know something that we don’t? Sweden: Lessons for America? A Personal Exploration by Johan Norberg delves into the economic and social landscape of the Swedish scholar’s homeland. Join him to see that the lessons to be learned from Sweden may not be the ones you expect.   The one-hour documentary follows Norberg on a journey through the history of Sweden’s economic rise, …

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Sweden: Lessons for America? – Livestreaming from Cato Institute Event

Sweden is a remarkably successful country. A poor peasant nation in the 1850s, it became one of the world’s richest countries a century later. It ranks among the world’s freest developed nations.   Should the United States be more like Sweden?   Tune in LIVE for this Cato Institute Screening Event followed by Q/A with Johan Norberg.   You can join the conversation on Twitter using #SwedenLessons4America.  

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Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by Cato Institute – TOMORROW

Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by Cato Institute followed by Q/A with Johan Norberg Featuring Johan Norberg, Film host and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; with introductory remarks by Rob Chatfield, President and Chief Executive Officer, Free to Choose Media; moderated by Ian Vásquez, Director, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute. Sweden is a remarkably successful country. A poor peasant nation in the 1850s, it became one of the world’s richest countries a century later. It ranks among the world’s freest developed nations. Should the United States be more like Sweden? Sweden: Lessons for America? delves into aspects of …

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Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by The University of Texas at Dallas

Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by The University of Texas at Dallas   It’s been suggested that Americans would be better off if the United States was more like Sweden. Do the Swedes know something that we don’t? Sweden: Lessons for America? A Personal Exploration by Johan Norberg delves into the economic and social landscape of the Swedish scholar’s homeland. Join him to see that the lessons to be learned from Sweden may not be the ones you expect.   The one-hour documentary follows Norberg on a journey through the history of Sweden’s economic rise, from one of …

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Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by American Swedish Institute followed by Q/A with Johan Norberg

Sweden: Lessons for America? – Screening hosted by American Swedish Institute followed by Q/A with Johan Norberg It’s been suggested that Americans would be better off if the United States was more like Sweden. Do the Swedes know something that we don’t? The documentary Sweden: Lessons for America? A Personal Exploration by Johan Norberg delves into the economic and social landscape of the Swedish scholar’s homeland. Join him to see that the lessons to be learned from Sweden may not be the ones you expect. The one-hour documentary follows Norberg on a journey through the history of Sweden’s economic rise, …

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Free To Choose: The Original 1980 TV Series – Now Streaming on Amazon Prime Video!

Milton Friedman’s groundbreaking Free To Choose series brought his ideas of individual and economic freedom to millions in 1980. Now, in honor of what would have been his 106th birthday, we are bringing those principles to even more by making it available on Amazon Prime. His most well-known legacy is now easily accessible, and streaming on one of the world’s largest video platforms.

ifatAbout Free To Choose: The Original 1980 TV Series:
Free To Choose® is the ground-breaking PBS television series featuring Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-winning economist. These programs, filmed on location around the world, have helped millions of people understand the close relationship between the ideas of human freedom and economic freedom. The interaction between those ideas has created in the U.S. the richest and freest society the world has ever known. Milton Friedman sees this success threatened by the tendency in the last few decades to assume that government intervention is the answer to all problems. In these programs, which first aired on January 11, 1980, Dr. Friedman focuses on basic principles. How do markets work? Why has socialism failed? Can government help economic development? The 1980 version consists of 10 one-hour programs.

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