Episode 234 – “Classical Liberalism” (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled “Classical Liberalism.” Recorded in 2024, Dennis McCuistion, former Clinical Professor of Corporate Governance and Executive Director of the Institute for Excellence in Corporate Governance at the University of Texas at Dallas, and Richard Epstein, Tisch Professor of Law at NYU, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, discuss the historical origins of classical liberalism, what it means, and why it’s important to understand. Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 233 – Consumer Behavior (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “Consumer Behavior.” Recorded in 1995, Nobel laureates in Economics, Professor Ronald Coase (1991) and Professor Gary Becker (1992), both from the University of Chicago, discuss the strengths and limitations of utility theory in explaining consumer behavior and broader social phenomena. Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 232 – Preferences, Self-interest, and Subtle Choices (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “Preferences, Self-interest, and Subtle Choices.” Recorded in 1993, Nobel Prize winning economist Dr. Gary Becker and Aaron Wildavsky, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at UC Berkeley, discuss the ways in which preferences and self-interest influence our decisions. Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 231 – Money (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “Money.” Recorded in 1992, Daniel Gressel, PhD, Economics, University of Chicago, Milton Friedman, 1976 Nobel laureate in Economics, and Robert Hall, PhD, Economics, Stanford University, discuss money, inflation, and monetary policy. Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 230 – A Conversation with Arnaud de Borchgrave (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “A Conversation with Arnaud de Borchgrave.” Recorded in 1987, Arnaud de Borchgrave, Editor-in-Chief of The Washington Times and co-author of the novel, The Spike, discusses the early years of his journalism career as a war and foreign correspondent that took him to the world’s hot spots and shares his observations of the US media.  Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 229 – Evolutionary Economics (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “Evolutionary Economics.” Recorded in 1999, Dr. David B. Audretsch, Director, Ameritech Chair of Economic Development and Director, Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, and Professor Ulrich Witt, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems, discuss the development of evolutionary economics as a field of study.  Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 228 – Classical Liberalism (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “Classical Liberalism.” Recorded in 1995, Dr. James M. Buchanan, Harris University Professor at George Mason University and Dr. Charles K. Rowley, General Director of the Locke Institute and Professor of Economics at George Mason University discuss the question of where classical liberalism stands in a civil society.  Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 227 – Globalization and the Emergence of the Entrepreneurial Economy (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “Globalization and the Emergence of the Entrepreneurial Economy.” Recorded in 1999, Dr. David B. Audretsch, Ameritech Chair of Economic Development and Director, Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, and Dr. A. Roy Thurik, Professor of Industrial Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, discuss the impact of globalization and the emergence of the entrepreneurial economy. Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 226 – The Economics of Children (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “The Economics of Children.” Recorded in 1995, Dr. James M. Buchanan, Harris University Professor at George Mason University and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Associate Professor of Economics at George Mason University discuss how children develop as economic thinkers and become decision-makers.  Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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Episode 225 – A Conversation with Walter Wriston and Peter Huber, Part 2 (Podcast)

Today’s podcast is titled, “A Conversation with Walter Wriston and Peter Huber, Part 2.” Recorded in 2004, Walter B. Wriston, Former Chairman and CEO, Citicorp/Citibank and Peter Huber, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, discuss the impact of the information revolution on sovereignty and power and explore issues related to privacy, security, and democracy in light of technological advancements. Listen now, and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates each week for the Free To Choose Media Podcast.

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