“Governments never learn. Only people learn.”
This simple yet profound observation by economist Milton Friedman encapsulates the importance of education. It’s a lesson that can shape how young people view the world and their place in it. Free To Choose® Network is excited to feature a new way to bring these timeless principles to life for children: The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible.
This animated series takes Friedman’s legacy of economic education and builds onto it in a fun, engaging format for young minds. But how does this connect to Friedman’s broader vision for education, and why is it so crucial for today’s youth?
Milton Friedman was a staunch advocate for educational freedom and school choice. He believed that empowering parents to choose the best educational path for their children would lead to better outcomes. This philosophy aligns perfectly with the growing homeschooling movement, where parents take a direct role in shaping their children’s education.
Friedman also emphasized the importance of economic literacy and critical thinking skills. He understood that a society of economically informed citizens is crucial for maintaining freedom and prosperity. This is where The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible comes in, offering a fresh approach to teaching these critical concepts.
Just as Friedman used real-world examples and clear explanations in his Free To Choose series, The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible uses storytelling to make economic learning accessible and entertaining. Each episode takes young viewers on a journey through different scenarios, allowing them to see the consequences of various policies and decisions.
For instance, the episode “Helter Shelter” explores price caps like rent control. The resulting chaos, mismanagement, and shortages illustrate the importance of real prices in allocating resources in a way that’s both humorous and memorable. It encourages children to think critically about the economic situations they encounter in their daily lives.
By introducing these concepts early, we’re laying the groundwork for a more economically literate society. Imagine a generation growing up with a clear understanding of concepts like opportunity cost, incentives, and the role of prices in a free market. These children will be better equipped to navigate personal finances, understand and participate in public policy debates, and make informed decisions as voters and consumers.
For homeschooling parents and educators, The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible offers a valuable resource. It’s a ready-made tool for introducing complex concepts in an age-appropriate, engaging manner.
Moreover, the series can be a gateway to exploring other works as children grow older. It lays a foundation of economic understanding that can be built upon with more advanced materials in later years.
From Milton Friedman’s groundbreaking work to The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible, our mission remains the same: to create a society of economically literate, critically thinking individuals. By starting this education early and making it engaging, kids aren’t just learning economics—they’re empowered to understand and shape the world around them.
As Friedman once said, “The only way that has ever been discovered to have a lot of people cooperate together voluntarily is through the free market.” We’re planting the seeds for a future where this cooperation can flourish.
We encourage all parents, grandparents, and educators to explore The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible and share it with the young learners in their lives. It’s more than just a cartoon—it’s an investment in the economic understanding of future generations. After all, as Friedman knew, “Not all ‘schooling’ is ‘education,’ and not all ‘education’ is ‘schooling.’”